At AnQore we believe that being a reliable and responsible producer requires us to involve our suppliers, contractors, and business partners. Therefore, we request our customers every two years for their opinion about our services via a customer survey. To encourage the customers to participate, AnQore agreed to donate 20 euros per submitted feedback with a minimum of 2000 euros to a local cause.

Zuyderland Park Glana

There are many socially responsible organizations in the Limburg area where AnQore is located. Because of the impact that the Corona pandemic has had on our healthcare workers, AnQore chose to contribute to a healthcare organization: Zuyderland Park Glana. Zuyderland has recently developed nine special care homes on the Linnaertsstraat in Geleen in collaboration with Wonen Zuid. In these homes a total of 124 elderly people is being cared for by a dedicated team of healthcare professionals. The elderly people are diagnosed with dementia or need extra care because of physical limitations. Today they can enjoy living in a small-scale housing setting and a park-like environment, secured with modern automated safety systems. Thanks to the use of new technology and the construction of natural partitions, residents with dementia can also freely move around in the park. This is unique in the Netherlands. Because Park Glana is strongly characterized by the park, natural surroundings and openness, we wanted to identify a fitting sustainable contribution.  

(from left to right: D. van Ballegoy and N. Zegers from AnQore and H. Hoen from Zuyderland)

Recycled materials for sustainable contribution

The team that offers care to the elderly came up with the idea to add plant pots next to the homes. This to help the residents distinguish where their home ends and the park begins, make the locale even more welcoming, as well as offer a feeling of enclosure and safety. The recycled plant pots from the Dutch designer ELHO align nicely with the sustainable goals of AnQore and Zuyderland for this purpose. This brand is green in multiple ways. Their entire production chain is powered by 100% wind energy generated by their own wind turbines, and the wind turbines are made of, among other things, carbon fiber, which is made from AnQore acrylonitrile. ELHO also recycles 5.6 million kilos of plastic waste each year. The proof is in the pottery.

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